
Pro Watercross Releases Tentative 2016 Schedule


Just a little over a month after the 2015 Pro Watercross season came to an end, the Pro Watercross staff has already released a 2016 tentative schedule. The schedule outlines the Pro Watercross plans to stop at the same locations as the 2015 season, in the same order.

2016 Tentative Tour & Championship Dates:
Round 1 May 7-8 Panama City Beach, FL
Round 2 May 14-15 Pensacola Beach, FL
Round 3 June 18-19 Sparks/Reno, NV
Round 4 June 24-25 St George, UT
Round 5 August 13-14 Lake Hartwell, GA
Round 6 August 20-21 Charleston, WV – National Championship
World Championship September 20-25 Naples, FL

Just as with the 2015 schedule, the tour kicks off the season at Panama City Beach, FL. This location is a favorite of many of the racers on the tour. The race will take place May 7-8.

Round 2 will go down on the beautiful coast of Pensacola Beach, FL. It will be one week after the season opener, on May 14-15. That Sunday (15th) is Mother’s Day. The Pro Watercross staff looks forward to honoring all the moms at this event.

The Pro Watercross Tour takes a trip out west for the third and fourth rounds. Round 3 will take place in Sparks/Reno, NV on June 18-19. Following that event, Round 4 will be in St. George, UT on June 24-25. No, this is not a typo, the Pro Watercross staff has decided to begin the racing action on a Friday and wrap up on Saturday.

As of right now, there is no tour stop scheduled for Lewisville, TX, but the staff at Pro Watercross tells us that they are working with the city to get a round scheduled there.

Round 5 will take place in the beautiful city of Hartwell, GA. The stop is scheduled for August 13-14. This is about when the points race begins to tighten up, and we expect very exciting and competitive racing action at the last couple of rounds.

Round 6, in Charleston, WV, will again host the Pro Watercross National Championship. This event is set to take place one week after round 5, on August 20-21. As the last event where racers can earn points, racers will be giving it everything they have to try to leave with the points lead.

Racers will then have a one month off period to rest and get their skis set up for the second Pro Watercross World Championships in Naples, FL. The event will go from September 20-25, and will host racers from all over the world trying to claim a World Title.

Keep in mind, this is a tentative schedule and is subject to change before the season actually starts. We are already looking forward to the 2016 season here at The Watercraft Journal, and, as always, will be bringing you exclusive coverage of each round throughout the season.

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