Help Support The Wilson Family By Donating To GoFundMe

Earlier this month, Team Faith’s own Brian O’Rourke published on Facebook, “Many of you know and have heard about the serious auto accident that Jimmy Wilson’s wife, Julianne Wilson was in. I’ve been at the hospital in Charlotte NC for the last few days with him and his family and friends…”

“I’m comforted by the level of support they have during this trying time from both the local community of friends and coworkers to people all over the country that they both know and especially from the watercraft racing community. Thank you all for being there, being concerned, for reaching out and for praying for them. They still have a long road ahead of them for sure.

“As for Julianne’s condition, out of respect for their privacy I just want to say please continue to pray for her as she is by no means ‘out of the woods yet.’ She has a lot that she has to overcome and it may take quite a while. The facility that she is at is second to none and I feel confident that she’s in the right place getting the best care possible. […] If you want the latest info on Julianne Wilson and Jimmy Wilson, please join the page “Our PWC Family” or click on the link.”

In addition to the “Our PWC Family” page, a GoFundMe account has been created to help offset the surmounting medical care costs. Help support one of our own. They are in for a very long road ahead. It was our wish to respect the Wilson’s privacy, while helping alert the PWC racing community about this effort to alleviate some of their costs. All of us at The Watercraft Journal wish the Wilson’s the very best during this difficult time.

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Kevin Shaw

Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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