
Case of The Mondays: Norwegian PWC Club Rides Into Dense Fog of Lysefjord

Riding in poor visibility can quickly drive you crazy. Low light, dense rain or heaven-forbid, dense fog, can limit the vision of even the most eagle-eyed rider. Add to that crippling cold temperatures (in this case, riders were experiencing just over 40-degree air temperatures with near-freezing water temperatures below them); and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Well, maybe for most folks…

The Norse have a long, storied history of seafaring and amazingly never blink twice when Mother Nature throws a curveball or two their way. Norway is a tough terrain of fjords, cliff walls and inhospitable weather, yet somehow the steely Norsemen have hewed a nation from its rocky shores and inky black waters. Today, intricate dams, canals and flotilla have tamed the land and sea, and many chose to weather the waters for excitement – like Stavanger Jet Ski Club.

The group of nearly a dozen riders left for a late autumn ride that would take them about 60 miles from Sandnes to Lysefjord. Facing bone chilling temperatures and almost madness-inducing fog, the group fared remarkably well. Graciously, modern cold weather riding gear and geocentric navigation helped the group keep their body temperatures up and direction true, resulting in a purely enjoyable jaunt. You’ll like it too – watch below!

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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