
Video: Zapata’s Hoverboard Can Be Yours

Water sports are a seemingly endless source of entertainment but let’s be frank; not much has changed in the last decade or so. Luckily the usual go to sources for aquatic junkies is about to be shaken up and I think it will be for the better. Zapata Racing has created the Hoverboard; a water based thrill that is sure to pack an adrenaline-filled punch.

Now, I know that you are going to point out the copious amount of water jet powered devices that are already on the market and trust me I know all about them. What sets the Hoverboard apart from all the rest is the way it handles. It really is one of those things that has to be seen to be believed.

The Hoverboard appears to be one of the smoothest and most readily controlled rides we’ve ever seen. Most of those water launchers simply crank out the H2O and send you flying through the air until you smack down and then you repeat the mind numbing process. The Hoverboard is different because it does what is promises; it hovers. The design and use of this board allows you to spiral, jump, arch, and soar through the air in a fashion that looks straight out of a dream.

Available with either one or two major outlets on the bottom of the board and attached to a 59-foot hose that links to a personal watercraft. Launching you gracefully up to 16-feet high and reaching speeds of 23 miles per hour, this ride leaves you a lot of wiggle room when it comes to improvisation. While the device requires a one hour mandatory initiation and also packs a hefty price tag.

Surfing? Wakeboarding? Flying? I am not sure what category the Hoverboard falls into but frankly, we don’t care, all we know is that we’re incredibly excited and can’t wait to strap on a lifejacket and soar. Marty McFly, I think your time has come to hit the water.

Kyle Cunliffe
Kyle Cunliffe
Since he was a kid, Kyle’s loved anything with a motor and a throttle, whether it was cars, quads, go carts, name it. Growing up in Southern California with access to mountains, dunes, rivers, lakes, and the ocean, it’s no wonder he spent his childhood outside at every possible moment. He’s been riding personal watercraft from a young age and had already racked up several speeding tickets before his 16th birthday.

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