
Chris Carringer

Chris Carringer

Posts by the author

Little Details, Big Impact: Brisbane Kawasaki Accessories to Elevate Your Ride

We often say that it’s the little details which really make a difference when it comes to PWC riding, taking a ride at any...

Videos: Mastering PWC Maintenance with Kawi Performance

It’s no secret that PWC maintenance can be a lot of work, especially if you’re riding an older model! Even the newest watercraft require...

Jet Ski Racing Thrills in Paraguay: More Than 200 Riders Hit the Water

If you think the jet ski racing scene is only big in the U.S., Australia, or Europe… think again! The second round of the...

Get Your PWC Ready for Spring with Impros’ Expert Repairs

If you saw our recent article about maintaining your PWC over the winter, you know we’re excited to gear up for the upcoming season...

Get Ready for the Upcoming Season with Cycle Springs PowerSports

One of the most famous quotes from Muhammad Ali goes like this: “The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines,...

Top Five Riding Spots around Brazil With AquaDan

Imagine slicing through Brazil's crystal-clear waters, the sun casting a golden glow as you navigate some of the most breathtaking jet skiing spots on...