BRP’s fantastic new Intelligent Shift and Throttle (iST) option on Rotax jet propulsion system engines brings electronic control to formerly mechanical functions in jet propulsion. With production started this past November, the ‘iTS system’ is a real game-changer according to Michael Carter- director of North American business development for jet propulsion systems.
“Our new ‘iST system’ is more than just electronic actuation of the reverse gates. The ‘iST system’ allows the operator to adjust the neutral position on-the-fly. Reducing the shifting effort was great, but not until we married that to our lateral thrust control and provided natural adjustment from the helm did we truly revolutionize the jet propulsion industry”, states Michael.
Like the iBR system featured in Sea-Doo watercraft which allows consumers to come to a stop on the water; the ‘iST system’ also delivers smooth, predictable deceleration when shifting to reverse while underway. Whether cruising, docking or what have you; the ‘iST system’ gives boaters the complete confidence of being in full control so they can fully enjoy their time on the water.