
Case of The Hump Days: What The Heck is a Sea Spi?


Yeah, yeah. We’re a day late on this one. But we had some other more important stuff to get out there before goofin’ on this failed PWC. The Sea Spi watercraft was (the website is down and we haven’t found anyone still selling or servicing these vehicles) a single or double-rider craft (Sea Spi I and Sea Spi II) powered by an electric motor that propelled you a wakeless idle speeds (a purported maximum speed of 4mph).

The purpose of the Sea Spi wasn’t recreational riding, but rather an alternative to snorkeling. Riders were intended to lie on their stomachs and observe the undersea world through a padded viewing glass that was built into the boat. Steered and throttled by manipulating joystick, the Sea Spi was a clever idea intended for vacationers and tourists who’d rather sunbathe on their bellies than actually exert themselves by lazily swimming around a shallow cove.

Understandably, the Sea Spi also came with certain regulations: riders couldn’t weigh more than 275 pounds for the single-rider craft. And tourist locations required a minimum age is 6 years old (!). Priced (around 2010) at $4,000 each, the Sea Spi failed to catch on with waterfront resorts and didn’t last much long after that (although we have found resorts in Key West, Grand Cayman continuing to offer rented tours).

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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  1. any idea where i can find any parts or service for a sea spi i can’t find any parts or service for it. i purchased it a an auction thinking it was a good addition to my other pwc’s. thank you for your assistance..

  2. To the person that would like parts… they were originally built in Kelowna BC. I know this because I was a part of the team that built them. Moters were Mercury and all other parts were manufactured specifically for the Sea Spis

  3. Can anyone just tell me what kind of batteries I should put in mine? I recently bought it and I would like to get it going. Thank you


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