When PWC manufacturers produce new watercraft, they always come with a weight restriction warning label. Typically like most things, the weight restriction is the very maximum weight you can put on it. Sometimes, it can be a bit forgiving if you happen to exceed it by a few pounds. However, when you go waaaaay over that limit, the result usually isn’t good. Sometimes, the result can just be downright hilarious.
In the video you’ll see below, we comically start off with four full grown men riding a single two-man jet ski. Within a few seconds, a fifth man comes into the picture on a jet ski and quickly jumps off of his and joins the four men, now resulting in five men together on one jet ski! With the five men on it, the jet ski is surprisingly handling it pretty well even though it’s hunched down in the water pretty good.
Shortly after, a sixth man joins the party in the same way as the fifth! With the extra weight of the sixth man, you can definitely tell the ski is working hard pulling all of that weight thru the water. While many would be happy with the accomplishment of having six men on one jet ski, this group isn’t. They wave to a seventh man to join them. We’ll let you take a watch to see how that ended up!