
Exploring The World Via PWC

As we post a lot of content related to PWC recreation, racing, news, and manufacturer-related topics, it is always nice to get a fresh take on the sport such as this article from Monticello Times about a man who’s mission to riding PWC’s is solely for transportation and exploration purposes.

Joey Freeman of Monticello, Minnesota uses his Yamaha Waverunner as a tool not for ripping around his hometown lakes, but for exploring. He takes journeys to ride and see the unknown. One such trip which he took this past summer, was a journey from Florida to the Bahamas. During the trip, he and the group of riders he went with, did some island hopping, hanging out with wildlife, and exploration of all the nooks and crannies that are hard to access by anything other than PWC’s.

Freeman has also partaken in numerous other journeys including trips on the Mississippi and Hudson Rivers as well as through the Atlantic Ocean environment. During the course of his explorations, Freeman has met many people and other fellow riders as well as learned of better ways to equip his ski for his sometimes daring adventures.

So what’s next for this avid rider? For next year, he is planning a more than twelve hundred mile trip down the Mississippi River from St. Paul, MN to Mobile, AL. As he is certainly not the first to traverse the Mighty Mississippi, we bet he can find some helpful advice for his notepad.

Brice Leckrone
Brice Leckrone
Brice is a Mechanical Engineer for 33% of the day and a PWC enthusiast for 100% of the day. When he is not at work or at the farmhouse with his wife and countless animals, he likes to be on the water. Having evolved from motorcycles and race cars that go way too fast for a married man, he now likes to ride watercraft that go way too fast for a married man.

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