
GoFundMe Launched After Fatal PWC Accident Claims 21-Year-Old’s Life

On April 22, 2017 at Saguaro Lake in Arizona, 21-year-old Joshua Slade was enjoying the first ride of the season on a jet ski that he and a friend had just picked up two days before. As the day was drawing to a close with the setting sun, Josh decided to take one last ride around before loading up. It would turn out to be Joshua Slade’s last ride.

According to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Joshua had turned into the path of an oncoming boat where a collision took place. Josh was struck and ejected from the personal watercraft and immediately submerged into the lake because he was not wearing a flotation device. Patrol boats with side-scan sonar and a remote operated vehicle searched for Josh. His body was found and recovered the following day from 42-feet deep of water. According to Kelly Slade, Joshua’s mother, a life jacket wouldn’t have made a difference in this case. Josh was killed from being struck.

She explained, “when the kids got to the lake they realized that they were short one life vest. So Joshua went from person to person offering money to anyone that would sell him a life vest because he didn’t want anyone to be without one and finally a lady sold him one for $40. Safety was very important to Joshua. We will never know why he took that last spin around the lake without his vest on. But a lesson to all of us that safety always needs to come first.”

We can honor Joshua Slade’s memory by practicing watercraft safety and being considerate to fellow boaters and PWC riders. I ask that you take some time to learn about Joshua Slade and if you can please donate to his Go Fund Me effort to help the family with funeral service costs. Even a simple note of support can be incredibly comforting to grieving friends and family.

According to the GoFundMe page, “The [Slade] family has now lost two of their sweet sons and could use any help you can give. Funeral services are costly and to take some/all of the financial burden off the Slade family at this time would be a service that will not go unnoticed. Please help in any way you can.”

“Joshua Mart Slade passed away doing what he loved – living life to its fullest. A great friend, loving son, brother & uncle, Joshua was always there whenever you needed someone to talk to. He had a contagious smile that lit up the room. In his youth, Joshua was an active showman, traveling across the United States competing in 4-H Swine Competitions. He loved his animals, fishing, being outdoors, dirt bikes and trucks. He had a great love for friends and family and would make everyone feel welcome and important. Joshua had an unforgettable laugh and was loving, kind and was always willing to serve. He loved life and loved adventure.” -Kelly Slade, mother

“I just would say that he loved his life to the fullest he never stopped doing things, always looked for the next adventure. Josh is a great friend and he would never pass the opportunity to help someone if they needed help. We did so many lake trips over the years never was afraid of anything it seemed. Josh made everyone smile when he was around and he created a friendly atmosphere wherever he went! He is my best friend and he lives on through me and everyone else who will continue to do as josh did.” -Jason Paterson, friend

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  1. I just really wish people would stop releasing stories saying that Josh turned into the boat. The one and only witness that there is states differently.. wonder why the police aren’t being forthcoming with the truth. It’s hurtful to our family. Thank you for trying to share his legacy. But the truth is, he didn’t turn in front of that boat.

  2. You are right Ciera – The truth is the boat came out of no where and t-boned josh – josh had severe injuries only on is left side and the jet ski has markings that the proves that the boat collided directly into the left side center of the jet ski. The drive said he saw josh but got distracted.

  3. it would be wise to say nothing else at this point. It muddies everything.

    and frankly, I’d be far more concerned about a PFD not being worn then who was actually at fault here. That’s a preventable tragedy and we hear this story over and over again.

    Donate direct to the family GFM gets 7%

    • I agree everyone should always wear life vests. Maybe you should have seen my brother in his casket and tell me then if his life vest would have helped. I think it would be wise for you to think before you speak at all. Thanks but no thanks for your input. His life would not have been saved with or without. It would have only spared us the heartache of waiting those long hours to locate his body. Water safety and paying attention could have prevented this horrible tragedy. But a life vest is actually the least of my concern..a life vest couldnt have stopped his neck from being broken, shattering every bone in his face, crushed his arm and leg, killing him. That life vest couldn’t have done a damn thing! If you ever loose someone to a horrific tragedy let me know how it feels when someone tells you you shouldn’t be concerned with who is at fault.

  4. PDF are essential and a must – we will never know why Josh choose to take that last ride with out one. But if you would of read the story carefully the out come would of been the same with or without a PDF. This was just a tragic accident. No blame here just the facts.

  5. You are welcome Kelly.  The editor condensed the story that I sent you, as I would imagine he normally does for his publication.  I hope people read it and really take to heart what happened,  a tragic loss of life of a person that meant a lot to a lot of people.  I believe Josh is smiling in heaven and is touched by the level of support for your family.  I ask Josh that he use his heavenly power to watch over us this season. 

    Hi Ciera, just going off earlier reports from the Sheriff’s Office.  Unfortunately lots of boaters don’t know the laws of waterway navigation.  There is a legal traffic pattern that must be maintained at all times.  All watercraft must travel in a counterclockwise direction with the right side always closest to the shore.  I don’t know the details in regards to the direction of travel for either Josh’s jet ski or the boat.  Jet ski riders tend to violate this law often with their quick turns and tricks. I’m sure I have made those mistakes in the past also. It’s easy to go out “hot dogging” on a jet ski and forget that there are laws on the waterways very similar to the laws on the roadways.


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