
IJSBA 2018 Final Rule And Class Changes

Over the last month or two we have seen quite a few postings from the IJSBA regarding 2018 rule and class changes. With numerous revision announcements and pending change calls, it has definitely kept some folks on the edge of their seats.

However since late last month, there seems to now be some finite and solid details to these changes. As stated in their most recent announcement on the subject, they have laid out the details regarding the final changes to the 2018 IJSBA Competition Program.

This latest and official version came via the IJSBA Board of Directors, which passed the listed changes by unanimous consensus back on February 23.

All rule and class alterations has been written to the rule book and shall be published for industry-peer review before at last being finalized. Should there be no major discrepancies or objections, then we can expect all of these new revisions to stand in the official rule book.

With a constantly evolving sport including introduction of new types of watercraft and classes, as well as new OEM engine sizes and platforms, it becomes inevitable that the rules for competition will also evolve to keep things fair and properly organized for everyone.

For all details on the changes and to review the official rule list, visit the IJSBA link above.


Brice Leckrone
Brice Leckrone
Brice is a Mechanical Engineer for 33% of the day and a PWC enthusiast for 100% of the day. When he is not at work or at the farmhouse with his wife and countless animals, he likes to be on the water. Having evolved from motorcycles and race cars that go way too fast for a married man, he now likes to ride watercraft that go way too fast for a married man.

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