
IJSBA Homologates 2017 Yamaha EX and GP1800 WaveRunners


OK, admittedly the homologation of the 2017 Yamaha GP1800 WaveRunner wasn’t a concern at all, as it wholly replaces the FZ R (and S, respectively) for all 4-stroke runabout classes. Rather, it is the IJSBA’s homologation of Yamaha’s new EX Series watercraft that raises some eyebrows.

In a very brief announcement, the IJSBA wrote:
The International Jet Sports Boating Association is very pleased to announce the homologation of the 2017 Yamaha WaveRunner PWC product line. This homologation is effective immediately and includes all models in the EX, VX, FX, and Performance Race Series Categories. However, the most relevant models are the new GP1800 model and the EX line, where are all new units, which required production quantities of 500 units to be met. IJSBA confirms that this threshold has been met as of today.

The allowance of the EX into sanctioned IJSBA racing does not dictate what classes the brand’s new Rec Lite machine is permitted to enter, as the Spark was shoehorned into a few different Sport and Runabout Lite classes. With the EX’s TR-1 engine displacement surpassing the 1-liter restriction (at 1,052ccs), we’re certain to see a slight massaging of the rule book if the EX is to be permitted passage into the same classes as the Sea-Doo Spark. Again, this isn’t bad news, just new news, and makes for a very interesting year.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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