
Kiwis Prepare For Annual Ski-nZ 2015


Greetings Ski-nZers! It’s time to start thinking about Ski-nZ 2015.

2015’s event is leaving from Napier on Sunday 15th March and finishing in Tauranga on Saturday the 21st March.
Registration will be on Saturday 14th at Black Barn winery near Hastings. This will be followed by lunch at the winery and then we are still hoping to have a fundraising gig at the winery that afternoon or evening. (More to be announced.)

Then on Sunday we ride to Mahia beach, Monday to Gisborne for ‘Auction Night’, Tuesday to Tokomaru Bay, Wednesday is a day off in Tokomaru, Thursday we ride around East Cape to Waihua Bay, Friday we ride to Ohope Beach(possibly via White Island weather dependent) and then on Saturday we finish in Tauranga. There will be a Mexican party Saturday evening for the prize giving. We did a recon trip of the route a few months back and it promises to be wild and beautiful.

Last year we had 25 riders and raised $93,000 for the cause . This year lets go for 35 riders and at least $100,000.“Let the fundraising games begin.”

So round up your riding friends and get them excited about the event and we would also be grateful for any help with auction items.

In 2015 we are hoping to have enough riders to run 3 groups. Each group will cater for a different style of rider. This should keep like-minded people together and avoid some of the frustration that can occur in groups with regards to speed and sightseeing, etc.

Applications are now done by clicking on a link from the website and then after you have filled in the form, clicking on ‘Submit’. There is one form for riders and one form for crew. For registration or to be part of the crew click these links.

We also now have a forum for additional information and for coordinating with each other on things like accommodation.

We could still benefit from a couple of additional sponsors for the event so if anyone has any hot contacts, please let me know.

As always, we need to be driven by the desire to have a great adventure and do some good at the same time. 300 plus dead from Melanoma very year in New Zealand is unacceptable. What we are doing with Ski-nZ is saving lives and you guys are the heroes in this story.

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