
Squeeky Clean: Inside Jet Renu Headquarters

It wasn’t more than a couple of weeks ago that we were driving through sunny Southern California’s Inland Empire. What was once acreage of farmland only decades earlier, has become a seemingly endless sea of stucco-walled suburban housing tracts and pristine business complexes. Nestled in a quiet corner of one such industrial parks rests the home of Renu Cleaners, LLC.

Greeted at the front door by Managing Partner, Nanette Moreno, the headquarters for the industry’s first dedicated personal watercraft cleaning system is expectedly immaculate. Jet Renu is only a division of the larger aforementioned Renu Cleaners, LLC that also provides top quality cleaning, restoration and protectant chemicals, sealers and waxes for the automotive aftermarket, the boating and marine industry as well as the whole of the powersports industries.

Celebrating its first year in production (as of this past June), Jet Renu has made a big splash in the PWC industry. Nanette explained that she was charged with launching a new product line, and as a personal watercraft enthusiast looked into reaching out to key persons within regional racing to help develop the new product.

“I first reached out to Ross Wallach (of RPM Racing Enterprises), who quickly took me under his wing,” Nanette told The Watercraft Journal. “He’s been instrumental in introducing us to some great people, especially the Disney family. We absolutely love them!”

Brent and Kyle Disney are two Junior Ski racers participating in the Jettribe West Coast Nationals PWC Series, who are consistently racking up points and hardware with each stop of the tour.

“We really pride ourselves on working with good people,” she continued. “It’s more important to us that the people associated with our product are positive, kind and friendly. We’d rather have great people on our team than the biggest names.”

As Jet Renu continues to gain traction in the PWC market, particularly through a new storefront in mega-retailer, the larger parent company wields over 23 years of experience with “product research and development as well as an advanced background in Marine reconditioning, sales and customer service,” according to Nanette, and husband Jim.

Although the facility is spacious, Nanette joked that they’re nearing maximum capacity with the demand for outgoing product, ” We will continue to develop new products for the market as well as our ‘vigilance to maintaining our ever changing environment.'”

According to the company’s official press release, “As our growth continues to move forward into the marine reconditioning aftermarket, are resources will be devoted to ensure we are the most service orientated and innovative company in the industry.”

Jet Renu recently added the Jet Renu MX Dri Wash aerosol spray waterless cleaner. Likewise, efforts are underway to reformulate the current “Clear” glass cleaner so that it can act as an anti-fogging agent for goggles and sunglasses for PWC riders. Jim Moreno’s extensive background in chemical engineering is the basis from which Jet Renu – and Renu Cleaners, LLC is built upon, but it’s Nanette energy, positivity and drive that has helped create the brand family we see today.

As for the future, Nanette is increasing optimistic. “We’ll be at the World Finals again this year. We had so much fun last year with our ‘wheel of fortune’ prize giveaways, so we’ll be doing it again. We never miss one of Ross’ events either and just love the riders and racers that we support. We’re so happy with the new friends we’ve made in the sport.”

Being a company handling the development, bottling and distribution of chemicals and cleaners in California, all eyes are on Jet Renu to abide by the state’s ever-constricting environmental laws. “We are certified ‘green’ company,” Nanette beamed. “We manufacture all of our products in strict adherence to state regulatory laws. We even have 24-hours to collect rain water runoff from our building and get it tested by a state-approved lab. We’ve never missed one yet.”
Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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