The 2018 Yamaha WaveRunner Lineup Is Coming! The 2018 Yamaha WaveRunner Lineup Is Coming!

We’re just gonna cut to the chase here: At exactly 8pm EST (Eastern Standard Time), The Watercraft Journal will publish a complete reveal of the 2018 Yamaha WaveRunner lineup including an exclusive photo gallery of studio and action shots, as well as a bevy of “inside baseball” information regarding the growth of the personal watercraft industry as well as Yamaha’s own explosive year of record-setting sales that is sure to get you excited not only for 2018 but the future of our industry!

There’s lots to share and we’re pretty excited to do so – but not before the right time (we don’t want to upset Yamaha). So again, make sure to pay attention to our social media channels for the hyperlink bringing you back to The Watercraft Journal so that you can get all of the nitty-gritty details on the latest batch of WaveRunners from the brand with the tuning forks in its logo.

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Kevin Shaw

Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.


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  1. Dan 22 September, 2017 at 07:08 Reply

    I wish Yamaha would take their EX jet ski and turn it into a Spark Trixx competitor. Yamaha needs something more fun and playful in their lineup that will appeal to younger buyers. The EX is cool but it needs a younger looking image.

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