
The Watercraft Journal Partners With PWC Trader to Launch New Classifieds Section

As The Watercraft Journal continues to grow in both readership and worldwide reach year-after-year, we have been able to provide its supporting advertisers the single-greatest access to self-identified personal watercraft enthusiasts, and with it new and returning customers that might not have come to purchase their products and/or services otherwise. (This is the exact premise to each of our updates of By The Numbers published on the first of every month.) And as we recently announced new and aggressive efforts to assist regional dealerships to reach local buyers, we also have big news for those on a far wider range:

Earlier this month, The Watercraft Journal partnered with the world’s largest online marketplace for PWCs – be them used or new – PWC Trader. Together, we now offer you, the readers of The Watercraft Journal our own customized access portal to PWC Trader’s massive selection of “new and used stand-up and multi-seat PWC models to experience the thrill of the water” through our all-new Classifieds section. The search engine is incredibly easy to navigate, providing users best service possible with immediate access to PWC Trader’s massive selection of watercraft and boats.

Last year, PWC Trader welcomed 1.7 million visitors and together we look to combine our total reach to help get more PWC enthusiasts out on the water! How? You can look forward to seeing many segments of The Watercraft Journal’s industry-leading editorial content on PWC Trader in the coming weeks and months, as well as in newsletters and email blasts. We at The Watercraft Journal are always looking for ways to make our publication a better resource for you and by partnering with PWC Trader we see a very bright future ahead of us! Make sure to check it out and give our new Classifieds section a look HERE!

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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