
Video: Hooked on the Sea-Doo FishPro with Andrew Hill

Andrew Hill, born in New Zealand, grew up in and on the water. From a young age he became “hooked” on fishing, always wanting to do more. Years ago, PWC’s were utilized primarily for watersports and recreation, but Hill thought, “why not have a go at fishing off of it?”

After lots of real-world testing (and plenty of lost gear), Andrew perfected his fishing setup. Through his experiences, he also developed a variety of products designed around PWC fishing. As the sport grew in popularity, so did the potential to take his ideas to the next level.

It was then that Andrew was contacted by Sea-Doo, who was in the process of designing the new Sea-Doo FishPro line of watercraft. Despite experiencing heart problems as the result of a hereditary disease, Hill was cleared to join the Sea-Doo team- and the rest is history.

Hill recognized Sea-Doo as an innovator and leader in the PWC industry, and knew that BRP had the resources to develop and deliver the first purpose-based fishing PWC. And Sea-Doo did exactly that. In the years since the FishPro’s introduction, Sea-Doo has continually looked for ways to expand and improve the platform.

Read the official press release below:
The 15 year journey to get to this point is a huge honour and I am so grateful to have such good people in my life who believed in me, after all, this project all started in my garage at home!

My introduction to PWCs (Personal Watercraft’s) was for fun and recreation, and quickly transformed into the coolest job which I still love today.

My true passion still continues to be sharing my fishing adventures to inspire people to experience the same enjoyment which I do all around the world… this determination helped make no challenge to big!

This was enhanced after the support from the Global team at Sea-Doo and was the point the sport of PWC fishing went to the next level with the introduction of the FISH PRO, which made my dream reality with more people enjoying what I do!

Enjoy watching this powerful and true story.

I look forward to reading your comments. For those in NZ this is a cool ‘Kiwi feel-good’ story.  It proves never give up on your goals.

Thanks again to all the people who took time to feature and help create our story of why we love PWC Fishing!

JD Brussels
JD Brussels
A true Florida native, JD bought his first boat before he was old enough to drive. You can usually find him tinkering on one of his many projects, tearing up the ocean on his Ultra 310, or spending time out on the boat with his wife and 3 kids.

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