
Video: Hurricane Wave Jumpers Off Long Island Get Swamped

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Hey guys. It’s your daring do-gooder Editor-in-Chief, Kevin here. I woke up this gray and wet Wednesday this the early signs of a headcold. The numb, slogging ache that comes with a winter’s chill. You know the type. And as I perused my morning feed of industry news, I couldn’t help but be drawn back to the same video I’ve had stowed in my “to do” file for over a year. Published way back in December of 2011, the content itself isn’t incredibly timely, but the action therein still resonates. Three years ago, Hurricane Irene pummeled the East Coast, pounding the northeastern shoreline with massive inky black swells, whipping winds and sheets of rain.

Y’know, the perfect weather to drag out the skis and go surf jumping in.

Below is a fun compilation of a few day’s rides, as a trio of friends – using two Kawasaki STX-15Fs and a Yamaha GP1200 – confront Mother Nature in all her fury off of Long Island. Interspersed between some pretty impressive one-handed head- and shoulder-high jumps is some great high speed footage blasting through the grassy wetlands nearby. Towards the end, the beating surf gets the best of the Yamaha, washing off the seat and swamping the engine compartment. The first STX comes to assist and also gets washed out before the second Kawasaki needs to come to the rescue.

With over half a million views, this video has definitely picked up some traction over the years, but again, sitting here loaded up on cold medicine and pushing back the desire to curl up back in bed, this fun video was something really fun that I wanted to share.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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