
Video: Jettrim’s “Bitchin’ Stitchin'” In Action

While we just published a news article on Austria’s globe-traveling jet ski racer Kevin Reiterer just yesterday, we caught this great video update from the World Champion and couldn’t pass it up. Before Kevin charged the waters off of the Crazy Horse Resort in Lake Havasu, AZ at last year’s IJSBA World Finals, he made one very important stop: Jettrim.

As Kevin wrote, “Jettrim is an exclusive brand pushing the Limits of Design and Quality by making products amazing. The Company is driven by Passion and their whole Team enjoys being part of something bigger then themselves. Custom PWC Mats and Custom race seats for Buggys are their territory.”

This inside look at the inner workings of Jettribe provide you with a peek into Jettrim’s workshop and how the some of the very best designed and handling products in the sport originate from.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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