
Video: Meet Freerider Zack Bright

For those paying close attention to The Watercraft Journal these past few weeks, you would’ve noticed that we’ve really ramped up our freeride coverage. Although we were the first to print with coverage of the Thrust Innovations Daytona Beach Freeride, we’ve never missed a beat with covering the other many goings on and freeride events happening nationwide. To some of you, freeride might be a totally new form of jet skiing, one that is both exciting and slightly terrifying at the same time.

Part of understanding freeride is how tight of a community it is. Freeriders are a close-knit group of jet skiers who are usually seen charging the waves in groups. Although a fantastically talented freerider, Zack Bright by no means carries the air of an alpha in this pack. The 24-year-old has been riding for 4 years, a relatively a short time. Yet, within those short years, Zack has climbed the ranks of professional freeriders, earning the attention of several sponsoring companies Burn Industries, Hydro-Turf, Cold-Fusion, Blowsion, Fullgaz, DASA Racing, and Jet Lift.

As part of being a professional freerider, Zack has also traveled across the globe to compete among other international freeriders – from the States to France to Australia and New Zealand. Below, Zack participated in a very personal and insightful one-on-one interview which will give you a closer look at the Oceanside, California native.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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