
Videos: DockitJet Reveals New Inflatable PWC Tenders

While many of the flashier ski boats that are PWC-dockable have been getting quite a bit of attention, inflatable tenders that can receive a PWC are nothing new. Recently, DockitJet introduced a fully-inflatable boat measuring just over 12-feet long (that’s a good 6-and-a-half feet shorter than existing Dockitjet models) while still being able to transport 6 people at up to 25mph.

This innovation suddenly frees up the utility of a personal watercraft in a myriad of ways. Suddenly, your 3-seater runabout can now carry the whole family out for a day, or a few buddies for a day fishing, or any number of other activities otherwise to restricted by a smaller, more nimble PWC.

Conveniently, the inflatable boat can be deflated, folded and packed neatly to the transom of a watercraft for easy transport in and out of the water. Best of all, the new DockitJet tender is designed to accommodate any model of runabout, and the docking process takes just a few short minutes once the tender is inflated.

Add to that, the added stability that the inflatable tender gives the PWC, and the threat of rolling the PWC over is all but non-existent (making it safe and stable for novice riders and “more cautious” boaters). Considering the extra storage the inflated tender provides, a full day or fishing, camping or other adventures are made easy.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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