
Yamaha Launches Customer Lifecycle Program

In an aim to improve the customer experience, Yamaha has launched a revolutionary new customer lifecycle program. They call it “Livin’ the Water Life” and it will enable personalized communications between Yamaha and the owner about their WaveRunner or Boat.

Yamaha is hoping to create an “amazing ownership experience” for the loyal Yamaha customer that will bring them back to Yamaha Watercraft every time. Below is the full press release and as always, be sure to check out for all of the latest info.

Yamaha WaterCraft Group Launches Post Purchase Customer Lifecycle Program for WaveRunners and Boats

“Livin’ the Water Life” owner program includes regular, personalized communications based on the model purchased.

April 1, 2019 – Kennesaw, GA — Owners of Yamaha WaveRunners and Boats will have an entirely new experience with their product and the Yamaha brand with the launch of the new Customer Lifecycle program called “Livin’ the Water Life” that went live today.

The program sends a regular schedule of emails over three years to owners that includes:

  • Tips and tricks to using their product (docking, trailering, connecting Bluetooth, etc)
  • Pre- and post-ride checklists
  • Maintenance guides and service reminders
  • Boating destinations specific to where they live
  • Top accessories for their model
  • Yamaha Extended Service promotions
  • Information on boating safety courses
  • Cross promotions with other Yamaha products
  • Yamalube and GYTR promotions
  • New product information and repurchase incentives

The emails are focused on driving owners back to their dealerships for service, accessories and future Yamaha products.

“The experience with the Yamaha brand doesn’t stop at the point of purchase, it really only begins,” said Andrew Cullen, Digital Marketing and Communication Manager. “This campaign is 100% focused on making ownership with WaveRunners and Boats an amazing and unforgettable experience, and one that will keep them fiercely passionate and loyal to the brand, now and in the future.”

“The goal at the end of the three-year campaign is to have created an amazing ownership experience that makes loyal Yamaha customers want to step up into a new model, and stay with the Yamaha family and their local Yamaha dealership for all of their outdoor recreational needs,” said General Manager Bryan Seti. “Our digital team has created a cutting edge and uniquely personalized platform that will impress our customers and grow all aspects of the Yamaha brand.”

Brice Leckrone
Brice Leckrone
Brice is a Mechanical Engineer for 33% of the day and a PWC enthusiast for 100% of the day. When he is not at work or at the farmhouse with his wife and countless animals, he likes to be on the water. Having evolved from motorcycles and race cars that go way too fast for a married man, he now likes to ride watercraft that go way too fast for a married man.

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