M&M Marine Rescues “Dangerous Waters” in Singapore


For those of you who have been following along with the exploits of the “Dangerous Waters” crew (no, we haven’t either. Is it any good?), you’ll know that they often find themselves in almost inescapable situations. It all makes for good drama and keeps the audience fixed to their boob tubes, but believe it or not, the drama is in fact, very real.

Back in April, 2016 the “Dangerous Waters” crew found themselves in bad shape. Prior to beginning production of their latest season, the usual crew were joined with a few greenhorns and the naturally-aspirated Kawasaki Ultras they had on loan were in need of some desperate TLC. For which, M&M owner Mitchel Miller flew to Singapore to help train the new crew on how to use and maintain their skis, as well as do some repairs the Kawasaki skis himself before letting the riders hit the water.

Although we’ll have to wait until Fall of 2016 to see Mitchel’s smiling face in the first episode, we did get this great bit of diary notes and pictures from Mitchel’s exploits from earlier this year:


April 6th 2016:
Next Monday M&M Marine owner Mitchel flies out to meet the crew of “Dangerous Waters” in Singapore to help tune up these skis for their longest trip yet – Singapore to Indonesia to Malaysia to Brunei to Philippines to Taiwan to Japan to Russia to Nome, Alaska. As expedition leader Steven Moll explained to the crew, “You are about to embark on the adventure of your life, and it’s ok to be over the top excited!…This crew will be tackling island chains right from the start and following chains of islands all the way to Russia”.

April 13th 2016
M&M owner Mitchel has joined the “Dangerous Waters” crew in Singapore as they prepare for their longest voyage yet – from Singapore to Alaska. He will be providing much needed repairs to their jet skis before the crew sets out for this trip and training the crew on the most important aspects of maintenance and repair. What an adventure! Check out “Dangerous Waters” on AWE TV or visit their Facebook page for more information!

April 30th 2016:
The crew of the “Dangerous Waters” TV show departed Singapore last week and ran into some technical problems due to the fact their jet skis had been stored in a warehouse in Singapore for the past year. M&M Marine owner Mitchel Miller was called in to help out. After pulling the show’s back up skis out of storage and preparing them for the trip, Mitchel connected with the show’s exporter in Northern California and the skis were shipped out to Tokyo where the crew is headed next. This shipment should get the crew safely back on the waters!

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Kevin Shaw

Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

1 comment

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  1. Ryan 19 August, 2016 at 11:32 Reply

    That’s awesome! Mitch is a cool guy and a great resource for parts in the Central Valley here in CA.

    I am watching the past seasons of Dangerous Waters. It is interesting. They are not exactly the most knowledgable when it come to PWC, but it seems they are learning more each season. Sometime when they do something, I think to myself (WTF)…anyway, overall it is a good show.

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