
Blake Ellestad

Blake Ellestad
Blake decided to buy a jet ski before a car and it was the greatest decision of his life. He was able to start reading on the forums and absolutely fell in love with the information and the sport. Blake says he will be riding jet skis for a very long time.

Posts by the author

PWCMuscle Has Got RIVA Racing Waterboxes On Sale Now

  Odds are, the moment you turned 16 and were handed the keys to your own car, you probably started thinking about ways to make...

Taiga Orca Awarded with the 2020 Product Design Award

One of the great things about the PWC community is how it is a tight-knit community. We all share the same passion for riding...

Broward Motorsports Changes Rec Ride Date to July 12

COVID-19 has had a major impact on the United States which has left us to shelter in our homes and help slow the spread...

Cycle Springs is Rewarding First Responders

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has impacted all of us in different ways. While many of us have lost close one to the...

Kawasaki Knows How To Deliver…Your New JetSki to Your Home

With everything going on in the world regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be hard to find the positive in any situation. While many...

$500 Off All Yamaha WaveRunners at Cycle Springs Powersports

Some companies are known for marking up all their items and running big sales throughout the year. While you may think that you are...