“New year, new speeds!”
If that’s your goal, you need to check out the brand new Fizzle V1 SHO Supercharger Impeller to take your personal watercraft...
For nine years, Sea-Doo's Spark has been easily one of the most industry-impacting, market-changing personal watercraft to ever hit the market since maybe the...
Sea-Doo's got the big daddy horsepower title. Yamaha's new 1.9L certainly has the displacement. So what about Kawasaki? With the Ultra recently toppled from...
OK, ladies and gentlemen. Here is the biggest news to hit the personal watercraft industry since, well...ever. Kawasaki, the company who first introduced the...
The 2016 model year marks three consecutive years where the Yamaha Motor Corporation has dramatically raised the bar. In 2014, Yamaha's Super High Output...