
Dean’s Team Riders Sweep Hydro-Turf Hydrodrag Stock, Spec and Superstock Classes


This weekend’s Pro Watercross Hydro-Turf Hydrodrag World Championships shook the personal watercraft industry to its core with an all-new world record top speed of 114.2 miles per hour on a Sea-Doo Rotax-powered Yamaha FZR piloted by UJET’s Uva Perez (more on that later). While the record-setting run is clearly sucking up all of the oxygen in the room, there were some seriously impressive performances in other classes that bear noting:

Three Dean’s Team riders, Scott Rice, Tonito Lopez and Ron Allison had a tremendous weekend. Rice swept the podiums of the Stock, Spec, and the Superstock classes; Lopez, also performed great in Stock class, coming in second against Rice; Ron Allison won the Stock class Speed Alley with a run of 92.8 MPH. All these skis were Yamaha FZ WaveRunners with Dean’s Team Performance reflashes.

The Watercraft Journal spoke directly with Dean’s Team founder Dean Charrier who said, “Scott Rice was impressive and raced the best performance I’ve seen yet from him. To sweep all those three classes is no easy feat and he consistently ran great on his Dean’s Team FZ’s.” Not only has the Dean’s Team ECU Reflash proven itself in the realm of endurance racing with AquaX all year, it’s also lead the world in closed course races earning multiple world titles at this year’s IJSBA World Finals, and now with three world titles in drag racing this weekend at the Hydro-Turf Hydrodrag World Championships.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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