You gotta hand it to Sea-Doo sometimes. For a major manufacturer to go out on a limb and produce a vehicle that go totally against the grain is an incredibly bold tactic; and while fortune favors the brave, not every swing at bat results in a homerun. A great example of this is the short-lived LRV platform.
Somewhat based on the Sea-Doo GTX DI, the LRV was a massively enlarged runabout capable of seating four adults; this was done by elongating the factory 130.4-inch hull to a whopping 155.6-inches, as well as expanding to 61.5-inches in width over the previous 48.1. This ballooned the craft from its comparable 705-pound form to 960-pounds.
Powered by a 130-horsepower 951cc 2-stroke Rotax Orbital DI, the LRV really didn’t have enough oomph to wow your additional 3 passengers; but the enlarged 25-gallon fuel cell did help keep the party going. Although forgotten by many, this particular LRV was recently resurrected by Westside Powersports for their winter project. Here’s the original post’s description:
Winter build all done!!! 2000 GTX LRV 951cc carb Bought with motor that knocked so I pulled out old power plant and pump system. Work performed: Put in low hour mint 951cc motor Updated with brass pump not plastic New OEM wear ring with AMSoil marine gear oil Full OEM rebuilt carbs Replaced fuel lines with coast guard approve line Oil tank replaced with 96 seamless tank New fuel float in fuel baffle.
Custom work: Custom marine mats with Westside Powersports logo Custom one off Hydro-Turf seat big thanks to them and great workmanship the diamonds are perfectly aligned. Also big shout out to advanced custom canvas for seat installation here in the lake of the Ozarks. Custom reg numbers Yes this LRV is for sale for the right price I will be taking out on the water as soon as lake levels come up and water temp isn’t below 40deg.
This would be a perfect PWC to put on the back of you yacht as a puddle jumper boat. Rated for three riders but, can handle 5 passengers at no wake. Tons of storage front back and coolers under the seat. Plus still small glove box for wallet and cell phone. Will put specs in the pictures.
If you have any questions please pm, call, or email me 8133639074 Westside Powersports. Com Asking with trailer $8950 Thanks!