
Help Support WA Local Jet Ski Photographer Theft Victim

Some people suck, but you don’t have to be one. Retired US Marine, Washington State Department of Corrections instructor, and part time jet ski racing photographer, Jim Flynn had all of his cameras, lenses and equipment stolen last week when his car was broken into. A regular presence at the Washington Water X and Grayland Open events, the ever-affable Flynn has become a favorite of all of those in attendance as well as those who promote the sport for veterans and youth racers alike.

Obviously, the loss is pretty catastrophic and recouping that much equipment would take anyone quite a long time (meaning several years). We’re hoping that any and all of you reading this from across the planet will help a man who has so willingly given up so much of his own life to serve others, and support a fellow brother in the sport. Donations can be made by sending a “gift” on to – we did it, so can you.

Kim McKay wrote the following Facebook post letting everyone know what happened to Flynn and how we can help HERE:
This out to my friends and race community – our good friend, Jim Flynn who volunteers his time and has shot amazing photos at our local races and even World Finals, had some unfortunate circumstances. While we are thankful he is safe, sadly, he had ALL of his cameras, lenses, and camera equipment was stolen. Insurance reimburses for some, less depreciation, so we all know he will be short gear. Him losing his equipment is comparable to us losing a jet ski, or multiple jet skis.

Jim will be posting a link in the next few days from this last Water X race. Please support our friend in our racing family. If you see some prints you like, please purchase from him. He does a lot for our community.

Also, I am putting a raffle together to be held at Pateros. Bring your dollars for tickets and support our local photographer. It’s possible that Jim may have a photo booth at Pateros as well. If this develops, again, please support our race family! Thanks friends! With Dawn Ferrell-Cox Blake Corning

Thank you Monte Hughes, a PayPal for Jim is as follows Marcus Boyle set the bar high and is sending PayPal for his killer prints, everyone else please do the same. More pics and a link are coming.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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