
IPD Graphics’ September Finals Prep Sale


Listen up, you racers. We know how it goes: You’re all pumped to get ready for your next race. You’re thrashing to get your ski in perfect running order (or close enough), and you’ve barely enough time to call your boss to ask him for a couple days off. Things come together pretty quickly and you gotta be ready to jump at a moment’s notice, that’s why IPD Graphics is offering this “No Last Minute Orders” preemptive September Finals Prep Sale.

If you’re paying attention, you’ll know that there are three major championships happening within 3 consecutive weeks of each other: the IJSBA National Championships hosted simultaneously during AquaX’s Grand Prix of the Sea, in Cocoa Beach, FL, September 18th-through-20th; the inaugural Pro Watercross World Championships held in Naples, FL, September 19th-through-27th, and of course, the quakysense IJSBA World Finals in Lake Havasu City, AZ, October 3th-through-11th.

IPD is offering this exclusive promo code for complete graphic kits orders, placed online only. Simply type in TWJ-FINALS-25 and hack 25-percent off of your IPD Graphics’ price tag. As IPD Graphics’ own Casey Mauldin told The Watercraft Journal, “The promo code expires on the 15th, and the idea is to create urgency for [racers] to place their orders in with enough time for us to minimize a high amount of rush orders, which happens every year.”

So, while IPD Graphics has a stellar track record of delivering even when under the gun, don’t wait to the last minute to get your ski looking professional. Take advantage of this awesome coupon code (TWJ-FINALS-25) offer, save some cash and get your ski looking fresh before the race by going to IPD Graphics’ online store NOW.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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