
New to Riding Personal Watercraft? This Guide Can Help!

Have no fear, Steven in Sales, developed a handy guide to assist you during the process of learning how to outfit yourself and ski. He also includes tips on how to become a safe and alert rider. Steven’s guide can also be used as a refresher for someone who hasn’t ridden in a long time or someone who wants to enhance their skills. His detailed list, The Jet Ski Beginners Guide: 18 Things to Know can be found here. We highly recommend checking it out.

Steven created a well rounded guide that touches on key points to getting started. Many helpful links are included; such as how to buy the correct ski, purchasing the proper fitting life jacket, and loading onto trailers and docking. He also shared a link to a guide on how to break the engine in. A “how to ride” video is on the page as well. Steven recommends taking a boaters safety course. It’s important to know the Rules of the Road and how to be safe on the water and a boaters course will provide that knowledge.

If you’re new to the sport of jet skiing, Steven’s guide is a must-have. He wants you to have fun while being safe on the water. The 18 things to know will certainly help you reach a level of confidence that you may not have known you possessed. Happy riding!

Ocean Priselac
Ocean Priselac
An avid mountain and bodyboarder who lives by "if you don't go, you'll never know," with an affinity for wildlife and animal rescue; surf forecasting is a huge part of Ocean's life and was a winner in Red Bull's Project Swell several years ago. The 2014 LB2CAT was her first jet ski competition and can't wait to do it again!

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