
Registration is Now Open for Hydro-Turf Jet Jam Rounds 1&2

Can’t wait for racing season to pick back up? Well, have no fear! The 2019 Hydro-Turf Jet Jam Racing Series is closing in fast – so much so that registration is now open for Rounds 1 & 2 at Lake Havasu City’s Nautical Resort this coming March 30-31st. All the details are listed below:

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! We have opened registration for Rounds 1 & 2 of the 2019 Hydro-Turf Jet Jam Racing Tour presented by Bud Light and River Rat Motorsports on March 30th-31st, 2019 at the famous Nautical Resort in Lake Havasu City, AZ. There is a large amount of information to go over so please read below:

1. Please get your membership with the AWSA. If you do not have this, you cannot race the Jet Jam Series. It is important to get this ahead of time!!  We are expecting a very large turnout for this event so please save us all time by doing this early!  You can get registered at You will receive a card, a t-shirt and decals with each paid membership.

2. Like last year, your second class of the day will be 50% off.  This will only be for this first race! After the first race, each additional class after your first, will be 25% off for the rest of the season. This will be discussed at riders meeting if you have any questions. So please take advantage while you can. 

3. Payment Options: There are now 3 ways to pay for your races. Credit Card, PayPal or Pay onsite. So please know that you are not obligated to pay until you arrive at the race just like before. 

4. On the registration form you will see that we are hosting a Friday night opening social dinner at the Nautical. This dinner is free to the rider plus 1 guest. Every guest thereafter is a $5.00 charge per person. Please choose the correct option when registering so we can get a correct headcount. This will be pizza/salad dinner. Alcohol is not included, but you will be able to purchase it at the Turtle Bar.  

5. Hotel information: Please we encourage you to stay onsite as we are trying to build up a relationship with the Nautical so they will have us back year after year.  Room nights count towards better discounts for all of us.   We have secured buildings A, B and C for our group rooms in the cove area overlooking the start area. This will give you, our riders and their families great views of the race.  Please use BOOKING CODE #376887 when making your reservation.  Reservations must be made BY PHONE at (928)855-2141 and must be made at least 15 days prior to the event to get the discounted room rate of $169.00 + tax for up to 4 people with a 2-night minimum.   After that the room rate will increase. The more people that book as soon as possible the better chances we have of getting a better rate. There are PET rooms available but these will sell out fast so if you plan on bringing your pets please book ASAP. If you absolutely must camp, please call Kary @ 801-647-0767 or Nicole @ 714-875-8200 to discuss this.  

6. Parking/Pits – We will have a large pit area for parking. More info to come as we get closer to the date.  We will post a site map.

7. Vendors – We will have a vendor ally at this event. If you know of anyone who would like booth space, please contact Kary at 801-647-0767 or for more information.

8. If you have questions regarding what class you should be in or where to fit your ski, please call Matthew Goade asap at 928-208-2211 or email He is our Tech Director and is here to help you!

9. If you have any questions regarding registration or any other information, please contact Nicole at 714-875-8200 or email

We are very excited to get this race season underway! 

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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