
The Watercraft Journal Welcomes Thrust Innovations For 2015/2016


All of us are very excited to welcome one of the most exciting companies in our industry – Thrust Innovations. Committed to providing quality PWC service, developing amazing billet and hand-fabricated performance parts for and custom-made jet skis, Thrust has evolved since its beginnings in 2007 to become one of the premier freestyle and freeride stores (carrying hundreds of parts from some the best in the business). But, if you’re like us, you know Thrust for its own line of premium billet, carbon and composite parts.

Working together with The Watercraft Journal, we will bring you all of the latest news and special offers from the Florida-based manufacturer helping us bring you the coolest freestyle and freeride jet ski performance parts and jet skis – because unless you’ve been living under a rock, these are some of the most impressive machines on the water today. Thrust and its team of highly skilled machinists, builders and riders are always innovating, tweaking and improving previous and current designs to offer the PWC industry some seriously impressive parts.

“What makes Thrust different is that our sales staff individually tests all products, as well ride and compete in racing and freestyle events on Thrust-built skis,” Thrust Innovation‘s Brian Vergin states. “This first-hand knowledge of products allows us to gain the best technical advice and maintain the highest standards of quality possible. In fact, you’ll never find us selling products or offering advice we wouldn’t take ourselves. From our machining service to our selection of over 5,000 in-stock parts, we always offer quality equipment and a personalized customer service experience. Whether you’re looking for parts or repairs, the Thrust team is ready to help.”

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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