
Video: A Peek Inside of Rotax Engine Development & Assembly Center

We’ve been pretty lucky here at The Watercraft Journal. We’ve been privy to quite a few exclusive opportunities that otherwise never would’ve fallen in our laps. This goes doubly for working closely with the OE manufacturers. We’ve toured Yamaha’s super-secret Georgia assembly plant, we’ve been (just outside of) Sea-Doo’s private test lake, and we even had pictures from inside of Kawasaki when the SX-R was still the subject of oodles of gossip. But thus far, we still haven’t peeked inside of the Rotax Factory in Gunskirchen, Austria.

Because an impromptu trip to Austria is out of the question, we have to live vicariously through this awesome video showing us the in’s and out’s of BRP-Rotax’s almost surgically clean facility as engineers design CAD designs of new and innovative engine blueprints, configure new methods to eke out the most efficiency from its engines, while machinists develop and fabricate unique one-off’s for trial testing and develop, down to the final assembly and testing of its industry-leading powerplants.

Now, this video was produced for the brand’s Ski-Doo snowmobile line, but seeing that so much product is shared between it and its Sea-Doo sibling (particularly through the use of the ACE 900 and other proprietary ACE engine designs), the video is definitely worth the watch, especially for you hardcore Sea-Doo lovers out there. All of Rotax’s “world-class innovation, engineering, and people” are on display here, so because some knucklehead set the video to private, we can’t embed it on this article; rather, take a minute and check it out HERE.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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