
Video: Help Crowdsource The Seahorse Hydro-Trailer

hydro powell
Editor’s Note: Always, always, always wear a lifevest. And companies: never advertise your product with people NOT wearing lifevests. Seriously, it’s 2015.

All of us here at The Watercraft Journal are big supporters of towable PWC trailers – particularly the Cargo Wave – as they provide so many benefits to maximizing one’s day on the water, be it hauling out everything under the sun to set up a shore side campsite, plenty of food and toys for the whole family to enjoy a picnic, or all the extra fuel, ropes and the inflatable raft to haul your buddies around at speed. Unfortunately, many have tried to emulate the rock-solid sturdiness of the Cargo Wave and fallen short, so that’s why we’re so curious about this newly announced prototype: The Seahorse Hydro-Trailer.

Launched as an Indiegogo crowdsource campaign, the Hydro Trailer pulls a lot of its design from the watercraft it follows itself. The 65-pound, 5-foot by 3-foot trailer features a sealed, hinged stowage compartment similar to your runabout’s front bin, as well as elastic bungee straps over tacky traction mats to hold down wares on its topside, like a kayak and oars. Likewise, there is a molded rear transom that holds a pair of fuel cans. Although a proper gallon-of-storage measurement is absent, the Hydro-Trailer does boast a storage capacity of 200-pounds (which, admittedly can be eaten up pretty quickly with fuel and a cooler full of drinks and ice).


With a little bit of our inner-engineer coming through, we are curious how the rigid A-arm trailer hinge is mounted to the back of a runabout, as grainy images hint at a hook-and-eye mount needing to be attached to the rearward bondrail. Whether this is a permanent modification or not remains unexplained in either the product description or video, so we’ll have to see if further information is released. Until then, check out the Seahorse Hydro-Trailer in action and see what you think for yourself.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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