Video: Help Support Professional Female Flyboarders to Compete in King’s Cup


Slated for December 3rd through the 7th, the 2014 Jet Ski World Cup – better known as the King’s Cup – is fast approaching and is promising to be an exciting week of racing and competition. With athletes converging from around the globe, the rosters are filling up fast to quality and enter. That is why the female duo from Team USA from Full Throttle Flyboard Club, Florida need your help. Nellie Kubalek and Kristen Smoyer are vying for fiscal support to compete in the 2014 Flyboard World Cup held December 4-6 as part of the King’s Cup.

Both athletes have qualified for World Cup competition, representing the USA, they just need help getting there. They’ve started a gofundme campaign to help crowd-source the necessary $4,000 to travel to Dubai and participate in the international showdown. Right now, the ladies are quite a ways away from their goal, so any help is appreciated. The official bios on the two are as follows:

“Nellie Kubalek is a female Professional Flyboarder with over 2 years of dedication, hard work, and perseverance taking this sport to a new level. She dedicates her time to training others, advancing their skill set and educating the world on this new gravity-defying new sport. Nellie was the only female in the USA to qualify for the 2013 Flyboard World Cup. She has been featured in the 2014 AquaX and P1 SuperStock series. Follow Nellie and her flyboard adventures at Flyboarder Nellie Facebook

“Kristen Smoyer is an up and coming new flyboarder. She started flyboarding only 5 months ago and has more than proven herself to reach for the gold! Kristen began this sport as a hobby and quickly evolved in the flyboard world under the coaching and guidance of Nellie Kubalek. Kristen’s favorite trick on the flyboard is a backflip. She dedicates her time in the community working with children and strives to be a role model for young female athletes. This is Kristen’s first time qualifying for the World Cup.”

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Kevin Shaw

Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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