Video: Twin-Rotor WasserJet Wows Crowds at Sydney International Boat Show


Well, there is definitely no shortage of new standups coming out of Australia these days. While all of us here at The Watercraft Journal were breaking our necks to get a better look at Les Cooke’s Sea-Doo Centre-built SDC Trak 903 standup (that recently debuted at 2015 Jetcross World Cup in Doncaster, UK), another impressively innovative clean-running standup wowed crowds on the other side of the globe, namely the 600cc twin-rotor Wasserjet at the Sydney International Boat Show.

As reported by, “The innovative 180hp supercharged WasserJet rotary was a surprise reveal at the Sydney International Boat Show in Sydney from [July 30th-through-Aug 3rd, 2015]. It was the first time the supercharged version of the twin rotary has been seen fitted to a stock SuperJet hull.”

Neither a conventional 2- or 4-stroke, the WasserJet’s Wankel engines are “charge cooled.” This means that the engines uses the intake air for cooling and lubrication of its internals, as there is no crankcase oil to slosh around. The rotary design only touts four moving parts, making the engine extremely light and “giving it a huge power to weight ratio, which exceeds that of a conventional 2-stroke engine,” continued. “Another advantage is that due to the long timings and high exhaust temperature, any oil entering the combustion chamber burns almost without residue.”

Best of all, Wankel engines produce incredibly low emissions, as low as 1% of comparable 2-stroke engines and more like the levels of a modern 4-stroke. Below we’ve included a video of Matt Daley from Jetsports Australia walking us through some specs on the new engine.

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Kevin Shaw

Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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