OK, let’s be a tad more specific: meatheads love the Kawasaki JetSki 650 TS, that is according to Rob Lowe’s hilarious string of DirecTV advertisements. The television spots feature the seminal “St. Elmo’s Fire” Hollywood star squaring off against somewhat less glamorous doppelgangers, with the prior representing DirecTV and the other traditional cable service.
Recently, Lowe’s ads have come under fire from from ‘”shy bladder” groups, cable companies, and the Better Business Bureau’ according to The Atlantic. Unfortunately, several groups representing individuals didn’t find Lowe’s ads all that funny, and they, together with the National Advertising Division (NAD), sought to shut them down.
The International Paruresis Association (IPA), which advocates for the 21 million Americans who, as Lowe’s alter ego put it, “can’t go with other people in the room,” cried discrimination while NAD’s complaint was “that DirecTV wasn’t being truthful about the reliability, picture quality, and customer satisfaction of its service when placed beside cable.”
Nearly a dozen of these 30-second spots have been made with Lowe pairing up against “Creepy Rob Lowe,” “Painfully Awkward Rob Lowe,” and “Deadbeat Dad Rob Lowe.” The ad in question though, is “Meathead Rob Lowe” who provides a glimpse of his garage well-stocked with a year’s worth of protein supplements and shake mix, speed bag and resistance bands, and of course, his own tanning bed. But the real kicker is the gold-flamed ’95 650cc TS behind it.
Sure, we’re OK with making fun of excessively hairy people or those with nervous bladders, but seriously, why do you ya gotta hate on jet skis, Rob?