
Videos: It’s a Spark in a Swimming Pool. ‘Nuff Said


Hey! Remember doing this with your old 550? We do. In fact, considering that the JS550 is what? 30-years-old, it’s pretty impressive that we still have new watercraft that actually fit in swimming pools given the way skis keep getting bigger and bigger over the years.

We spotted this first little clip over on Adriano Oda’s Facebook wall. Clearly meant to be just a pair of friends having a little bit of fun hamming it up on camera, stating in a very poorly Google-translated prose, “The sea was very angry, so we will stay in the pool.”

The second video of famous street-freestyle rider Aaron Colton nearly launching a wildly wrapped Spark around a buddy’s pool is also good for a laugh (although, admittedly stupidly dangerous), but also speaks to just the sheer amount of good ol’ fashioned fun the Spark offers.

We loved the Sea-Doo Spark enough to give it the 2015 Watercraft of The Year award late last year. But some will ask, is it the a “perfect” PWC? No, and deeming any one ski “perfect” is almost an inescapable trap of subjectivity. But is it double its 400-plus-pounds weight in stupid fun? Yes, yes it is. And that’s why it won (although its bargain price and huge sales numbers helped).

The little thing is a ton of fun, and we’ll never back down from that statement.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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