A Little Maintenance Goes A Long Way

Whether you are still riding your watercraft, enjoying some last-minute warm weather or getting ready for the season to end, it’s always important to take some time after each ride to keep your watercraft in good shape by performing some necessary maintenance.

Earlier this year we did a quick recap on an original article from personalwatercraft.com which gives some good tips on post-ride maintenance. For those of you still enjoying the season, here is the list of items we told you about in the last article.

For those who are done riding for the year, these maintenance tips are still good to follow when storing your watercraft. You can always check out our list of how-to articles for other great in-season and out-of-season maintenance tips.

First and foremost, flush and rinse your ski especially after those saltwater rides. You want to get all of that contamination out of your exhaust or engine. Flushing should take place after every ride no matter what type of water you ride in.

Rinsing off your watercraft is not mandatory after every ride unless it was playtime in the brine. You should however give it a good wash after every few rides even when riding in freshwater to keep it free of grime or water spots.

Don’t forget your engine compartment either since it is not completely watertight. Over time you will learn how much water is actually entering your particular watercraft’s compartments but it is generally a good idea to give it a light rinsing and possibly a light spray of anti-corrosion lubricant on metal surfaces especially if you notice corrosion spots developing. Just avoid using a pressure washer inside the engine compartment.

Also keeping your seat and drain plugs open will help dry out all of the leftover moisture. If you burn through your full tank of fuel during each ride and your next ride is just around the corner, don’t worry about fuel stabilizer however if your fuel will be sitting for some time then it is a good idea to keep it fresh with stabilizer.

Checking your oil level before or after each ride is also a good idea and changing the oil when it is due will keep your watercraft running longer. For more details on these and many other tips, be sure to check out the links above.

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Brice Leckrone

Brice is a Mechanical Engineer for 33% of the day and a PWC enthusiast for 100% of the day. When he is not at work or at the farmhouse with his wife and countless animals, he likes to be on the water. Having evolved from motorcycles and race cars that go way too fast for a married man, he now likes to ride watercraft that go way too fast for a married man.

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