
JetRenu Joins as Newest Sponsor For ’15 Hidden Trails Pro Watercross Tour


Last week, the Pro Watercross Tour had quite a bit to announce. Not only is the 2015 tour now titled the “Hidden Trails Pro Watercross Tour,” but has also welcomed Slippery Wetsuits, Jet Renu and Jettrim on board as sponsors. New members to the Pro Watercross organization will receive a bag of goodies, including the tour sponsor’s postcards in the membership packets.

“These are all great companies that have established themselves into the watercross communities and have proven that their products are a valuable investment,” stated Nick Handler of Pro Watercross. “Each of these new sponsors is making a significant statement on the direction of Pro Watercross’ tour and it impact on the racing community.”

All of us at The Watercraft Journal are happy to share the good news about longtime supporting advertiser Jet Renu joining as a sponsor for the 2015 Pro Watercross Tour. Jet Renu manufactures a full line of reconditioning products for marine, automotive and more. Jet Renu’s marine products were developed with rider’s and boater’s best interests in mind and understand their customer’s needs and concerns in finding the right cleaning product to care for their watercraft. In addition to the 2015 tour, Jet Renu is also a regular sponsor of the Jettribe West Coast PWC Tour, and sponsors several racers both locally and nationwide.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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