
Jettrim Sponsors Pro Watercross & Launches Shaun Compton Initiative

Pro Watercross recently announced that Jettrim, one of the industry’s leading seat covers and mats companies, will be the Official Seat Cover and Mat of the 2019 National Tour and World Championships. For over 30 years, Jettrim has been making custom watercraft seats and mats, ATV and UTV seats and even office chairs. How cool is that!

Earlier this years, Shaun Compton, producer of Texas H20 Racing and one of the organizers for the Pro Watercross Tour, passed away from a heart attack. Shaun’s love for the sport was contagious, making fellow racers feel like they were a family member to Shaun. While we continue to mourn the loss of a devoted racer, Pro Watercross has started the Shaun Compton Initiative.

This initiative means that at every Pro Watercross event, there will be a defibrillator under the banner. While racing is exciting and fun, Pro Watercross understands the risks the racers take on when they line up on the starting line. This initiative is just another step Pro Watercross is taking to best protect the racers.

Drake Stanley, Pro Watercross Chief Water Safety Official, will become a trained instructor for CPR and defibrillator and will be training event staff and organizers how to properly preform these duties. Again, this is all made possible by the generous help of JetTrim. If you are needing a new seat cover, traction mats or wanting to spruce up the office chair, Jet Trim is your one stop shop.

Blake Ellestad
Blake Ellestad
Blake decided to buy a jet ski before a car and it was the greatest decision of his life. He was able to start reading on the forums and absolutely fell in love with the information and the sport. Blake says he will be riding jet skis for a very long time.

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