
Kspeed Teases Two Images of New Ultra Handheld Tuner

With the intarwebs all akimbo that the ECUs on the new 325-horsepower Sea-Doos are locked down tighter than Fort Knox, folks are scrambling to find new and creative ways to eke out more and more potential from their new personal watercraft.

Brisbane Kawasaki – y’know, the same folks who run Kspeed Performance – have been hammering down a quick and easy way to not only pick up some serious power from the new 310-horsepower Ultras, but to make it demonstrably more easy to do so.

Previously, customers of Kspeed would need to purchase a second standalone ECU to swap in and out of their supercharged Kawasaki – or ship their only ECU out to Australia to have it reflashed and sent back. While this process delivered results, it wasn’t terribly convenient for the customer.

Well, with the two images leaked out on social media recently, all of that may be over. While details currently are pretty slim and Kspeed is keeping their lips sealed, what we can see is a very easy-to-operate handheld touchscreen tuner providing options for preset maps and the ability to upload custom maps if needed.

Of course, handheld tuners aren’t anything new but it’s great to see one dedicated to the new engine management software found on all 2022-and-newer Ultra JetSkis. Once all of the details are ready to be revealed, you can bet The Watercraft Journal will have them here for you.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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