PWC Riders Spread the Good Word; All Riders Aren’t Bad Guys

A jet ski ride organized by Victorian Jet Ski Club president, Jimmy Chaanine was set up in protest to the recent complaints and a petition set forth to outlaw jet skis along the Mornington Peninsula. Some bad apples are ruining the sport for safe and conscientious riders. Chaanine and his crew of over 100 jet skis were underway a little after 10am from Patterson River on Sunday the 13th of January. Their final destination was Rye and the ride went well. There were no instances of riders misbehaving. We hope the good behavior was favorably looked upon by those who protest PWC riders.

Prior to the ride, using Facebook Live, Chaanine set forth a plea to fellow jet ski enthusiasts; “Speaking to a few of the boys this morning, I think it’s time we put our foot down and show that it’s a very small minority that are ruining the sport. Whether it’s jet skis, motorbikes, dirt bikes, or cars, there’s always going to be that minority. We’re going to show them that the majority are respectful. The majority are family people. The majority love this sport. We need to get out there and show them that it’s only a small minority [that do the wrong thing],” he said.

Chaainine hopes to take the targets off the backs of well-behaved jet ski riders. However, Mornington Mayor David Gill said the enforcement of hoon legislation on jet skis was “not satisfactory or effective in addressing safety concerns.”

Gill continued his call for more enforcement by increased surveillance, more law enforcement, and PWC patrols along the peninsula coastline. He also said that authorities can’t ignore the problem any longer and a solution is needed so that children and wildlife are safe. Chaanine told The News that “the day was a success, and everyone was well behaved. This showed that there is plenty of support to combat the small minority.”

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Ocean Priselac

An avid mountain and bodyboarder who lives by "if you don't go, you'll never know," with an affinity for wildlife and animal rescue; surf forecasting is a huge part of Ocean's life and was a winner in Red Bull's Project Swell several years ago. The 2014 LB2CAT was her first jet ski competition and can't wait to do it again!

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