
TXH2ORacing to Host World Finals Qualifiers August 15-16

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The fact that there isn’t currently any racing in Texas isn’t the issue, it’s that there hasn’t been racing in Texas for this long. Texas is one of the largest markets in personal watercraft sales, and some of the best racers, tuners and enthusiasts hail from the Lone Star State. That is why it is so important that we share that the drought is over, and IJSBA’s newest promoter in Texas – TXH2O Racing – will be hosting the much anticipated World Finals Qualifiers this upcoming August 15th and 16th.

The Watercraft Journal talked with TXH2O Racing’s promoter, Heath Hoekstra who beamed, “I am very excited to be putting this race together. This has been a very big learning experience for me.”

Of course, the venue is just as important as the race itself, and this August’s Qualifiers promises to be a good one. “The racers can expect a fun, friendly racing environment,” Hoekstra continued. Held at lake directly behind Gene’s Powersports Country that was specifically designed for personal watercraft racing – and was regularly put to use during Region 5 races in the ’90s. Featuring a concrete starting area, a built-in tower and a boat ramp, it’s very likely to see a return to greatness from Region 5.

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Below we’ve included the original press release first published at the IJSBA’s official website HERE:

TXH2ORacing presents their first racing event
Region 5 racing will rise again due to the efforts of personal watercraft enthusiasts in Texas. The new Region 5 promoter, TXH2ORacing, will be at Genes Powersports for what is expected to be a weekend of action-packed personal watercraft racing on August 15/16.

This is an excellent opportunity for racers wishing to compete in the IJSBA World Finals this October. In light of the 2015 rule change, the IJSBA requires that racers compete in two IJSBA sanctioned races in order to qualify for the World Championships this October. This race was planned in collaboration with the International Jet Sport Boating Association (IJSBA) and will count as a two-round IJSBA World Championship qualifying race and IJSBA classes will be available for registration.

Racers can look forward to the perfect race site – the lake by Genes Powersports was designed for personal watercraft racing, and races were held here in the ’90s. This site features a concrete starting area, a built in tower and a boat ramp. Other amenities for racers include camping space (no hookups) and Port-O-Johns.

The team at TXH2ORacing has also put a lot of thought into their track design which will likely be a left-handed start followed by a tight track for intense rail-to-rail racing and fierce battles.

TXH2ORacing is excitedly completing the finishing touches for this event and information on race registration will be available as soon as the TXH2ORacing website goes live.

For more information on the first round of the TXH2ORacing series, contact the promoter, Heath Hoekstra at toy7521(@) or 817.680.9649.

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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