
Video: Athletes In Motion Sports TV Recaps 2015 Blowsion Surf Slam


“If only jet skiing was covered like a television show.” It’s something we’ve all thought, said or have heard, and when looking at some of the crap that does actually make it onto the small screen, it’s almost embarrassing that our sport gets passed up. Well thankfully, with events like the Pro Watercross World Championships being televised by CBS Sports nationwide (and beyond) and AquaX receiving local Fox Sports syndicate coverage, dreams of jet skiing returning to regular programming (like it once did on ESPN decades ago), are becoming ever closer to a reality.

Yesterday, a near-30 minute recap of last September’s 2015 Blowsion Surf Slam was published by Athletes In Motion Sports Television (, who was on-hand in Pacific City, Oregon, as a presenting media partner for the 2015 Blowsion Surf Slam, and edited together some awesome aerial and surf slashing footage from the Pacific Coast event. According to Athletes In Motor Sports TV, “This incredible event drew the largest field of competitors and spectators in its history that came from all over the world to see one of the fastest growing action sports on the planet. Paul J. Higgins and his AIMSports TV production crew bring you all the great action.”

Of course, The Watercraft Journal was present and accounted for, providing the fastest coverage and full photo gallery from the Surf Slam, which was published days after the event closed (as per usual). Yet, this footage really captures the spirit of the event and is frankly a great little reminder of why we do what we do when the weather turns to crap. Enjoy!

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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