
Video: Illegial Immigrants Use PWC to Cross Rio Grande River

Undoubtedly, the topic of illegal immigration is becoming the biggest news to hit the press as border patrol agents apprehend over 1,100 persons (including an average of 205 children) each day. Notable among these apprehensions is the percentage of whom hail from Central American countries like El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Obviously, political pundits are having a field day with this, as many who have been decrying the lack of federal support are using this recent surge as evidence of a failing policy, while others on the opposing side of the aisle are looking to redefine the definition of “illegal” into a slanderous term, thus up-heaving the political debate.

Last month, NBC witnessed and filmed one such illegal immigrant as he boarded a Kawasaki’s STX-15F and sprint across the Rio Grande River only to casually walk up the shore of Anzalduas County Park in Mission, Texas as a border patrol agent’s SUV drives by. The individual was noted as being part of a small group who used the JetSki to traverse the river and deposit a dozen or so immigrants a day into the county park.

The NBC report states, “Ten minutes was all the time needed on Saturday for a man to jump on a jet ski in Mexico, cross the Rio Grande River into Anzalduas County Park and hop in car that nonchalantly bypassed police vehicles and park gates.

“Sgt. Dan Broyles, who patrols Anzalduas County Park, said his job has never been easy, but recently, “it’s like digging a hole and throwing the dirt up a hill.”

“Broyles said he feels like he is “on the front lines in a non-violent invasion,” as 1,200 people cross this strip of the Rio Grande every day, including up to 400 unaccompanied children.”

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – [email protected] Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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