
What Ever Happen to Jimmy Kimmel’s Oscar JetSki Giveaway?

Last year we published a story about Jimmy Kimmel giving away a Kawasaki JetSki to the person who delivered the shortest speech of the night at the 2018 Academy Awards ceremony. We are now following up with what happened to the Kawasaki JetSki Ultra 310LX. The winner of the $18,000 PWC was costume designer Mark Bridges who won an Oscar for his work on Phantom Thread and his speech was only 36 seconds long.

After winning the ski, Bridges was asked if he had any experience on a JetSki, and he replied ‘none good.’ Those two words were very telling of the situation. Bridges isn’t into jet skiing. However, it sounds like the ski went to a worthy cause. Below is what Bridges had to say about his big win:

“So I thought I’d turn lemons into lemonade, so to speak, and I donated it to the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF). That does a lot of charitable work for people in the industry.”

Bridges explains the MPTF has a senior citizens home and a health facility, adding it’s an organization he’d wanted to contribute to for a while.

Bridges figured they could auction the ski and make some money. He soon received a call from the Foundation board chairman, Jeffrey Katzenberg, who thanked him for the machine. Bridges believes they were able to get some donations for the Kawasaki Ultra 310X, making it win-win situation.

Ocean Priselac
Ocean Priselac
An avid mountain and bodyboarder who lives by "if you don't go, you'll never know," with an affinity for wildlife and animal rescue; surf forecasting is a huge part of Ocean's life and was a winner in Red Bull's Project Swell several years ago. The 2014 LB2CAT was her first jet ski competition and can't wait to do it again!

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