
Full Throttle WaterX Announces Updated Vintage Classes for 2022

When the Full Throttle WaterX series was first announced, all of us at The Watercraft Journal jumped to help spread the news. In fact, WCJ was first to do so, back in late October of 2021. And true to our commitment, all updates, major announcements and most importantly, event coverage will be published on the world’s most popular personal watercraft magazine before anywhere else.

One of the greatest promises made by the Full Throttle WaterX team was its commitment to provide races in venues that racers prefer, and true to form, a recent Facebook post announced a full and comprehensive list of Vintage classes that are sure to excite many as they roll back the clock over 30 years. Below is the announcement but we’ve included a link to the original post HERE.

Here are the updated Vintage classes for the #fullthrottlewaterx series:

  • Vintage Ski Open – 440,550,650,750, & Square Nose SuperJets and Cobra/PJS hulls. Twin engines up to 785cc. Polaris Octanes, and 96-07 Round Nose SuperJets have been moved to the 2-Stroke Ski Limited class. Engines, ignitions, cylinder head, carbs, exhaust, and pump may be swapped or modified, must be an OEM hull and OEM cases. 2 sets of sponsons are allowed. Get creative, have fun!
  • Vintage 550 Mod – 440,550 hulls only, up to 600cc. Must be an OEM hull, and run OEM Kawasaki 440 or 550 cases. Engines may be modified, ignitions, carbs, cylinder head, exhaust, and pumps may be swapped or modified. 2 sets of sponsons are allowed. The standard 550 mod class rules.
  • Vintage 550 Limited – 440,550 hulls only. No sponsons, only the OEM rear sponsons are allowed. No 750 pump swaps allowed. If 440 engine, superstock rules will apply. If 550 engine, no engine or pump porting. Single carb, head, and pipes are allowed. Only OEM handlepole, or OEM style and length handlepoles are allowed (no RRPs etc), and no wide trays modifications are allowed. 550 engines must be OEM ignition setup (No total loss or MSD). This is a more affordable run whatcha brung limited class.
  • Vintage X2 Open – Gen 1 X2 hulls only (gen2 hulls will have to run sport class), engines may be swapped and/or modified as long as they are twin cylinders and under the 810cc limit. Pumps may be modified or swapped, and hull modifications may be made as long as they replicate the OEM x2 hull. Porting, aftermarket carbs, head, exhaust, ignition are all allowed, 2 sets of sponsons are allowed.
  • Vintage X2 Limited – Gen 1 X2 hulls only. OEM 650cc engine must be used, OEM X2 pump must be used. Porting, head, ignition, carbs, and exhaust can be modified or aftermarket. No hull modifications allowed except for structural support. 2 sets of sponsons are allowed.
  • Superchicken – Run whatcha brung class up to 1100c. We may stagger the starting times if needed. Sponsons may be added. 2 moto format only, show up and have some fun!

Full vintage rulebook coming soon! Let’s race

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching The Watercraft Journal. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story.

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