

Kevin Shaw: The Kids Aren’t Alright

Admittedly, it's been years since my last editorial. I guess I haven't had much to say. Well, at least anything of any import that...

Keeping Up With All Things PWC – Editor Update

With 2 months behind me as Editor of The Watercraft Journal, I am almost starting to feel like I’m getting into the swing of...

Kevin Shaw: The Fourth And (Very Likely) Final Turning

I've been either somewhat adjacent or wholly embedded in the personal watercraft (PWC) industry for roughly 18 years (as I can measure) and I...

Kevin Shaw: Preparing For Planned Obsolescence

Right about now, I'm reeeally hating my computer. It's a 5-year-old Apple MacBook Pro with the 15-inch screen. I bought a few years ago...

Kevin Shaw: Cha-Cha-Changes For The Good

I like being my own boss. Not everyone is cut out for it, but it seems to fit my personality. Years ago, my father...

Kevin Shaw: Money For Nothing

I found myself feeling a little sorry for the folks over at Sea-Doo this afternoon. Why my mind had singled-out Sea-Doo was due –...

Kevin Shaw: Maybe This Isn’t For You

I find myself getting short with people easier these days. Maybe it's because I'm turning 40 this year or maybe it's because I've always...

Kevin Shaw: A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept

Sure, I was frustrated but I couldn't really be that mad. The roads were packed with several unexpected extra inches of snow covering a...

Kevin Shaw: It’s Not a Very Good Reason Why

I could hear the sound of my own teeth grinding through my skull, and my wife could tell just by looking at me that...

Kevin Shaw: Leave Your Brand Rivalry Out of It

Most of you wouldn't know (nor would I expect you to) that I cut my teeth in the world of professional publishing not in...

The Incredible Hulk: Behind The Man Behind The Industry’s Most Successful Forum

My friendship with Jerry Gaddis all started with a friendly email warning me that I had really screwed up. In the final months before...

The Return of The King: Introducing The 2017 Kawasaki SX-R JetSki

Before going forward, let's take a minute and look back at how we got here, shall we? Just two years shy of the Kawasaki JetSki's...

Video: Kawasaki Teases All-New 4-Stroke 2017 SX-R Standup

OK, ladies and gentlemen. Here is the biggest news to hit the personal watercraft industry since, well...ever. Kawasaki, the company who first introduced the...

Debunking Myths & Better Understanding Sea-Doo’s Carbon Ring Seal

The haters. Oh boy, the haters. If the internet has taught us one thing, it's that people sure love to dump on stuff. For...

Gallery: Introducing The 2016 Yamaha WaveRunner Lineup

The 2016 model year marks three consecutive years where the Yamaha Motor Corporation has dramatically raised the bar. In 2014, Yamaha's Super High Output...

Gallery: Introducing The 2017 Yamaha WaveRunner Lineup (Video)

Over time we've come to understand the certain ways that each manufacturer has in developing and introducing new product. While some play things a...