America celebrated its Independence Day this past weekend. Independence Day across the country is known for barbecues, family gatherings and fireworks. Yet, in the...
Because of the logistics in distance and AquaX officials inexplicably refusing our photogrpahers access to cover the racing action from the water, coverage from...
Volunteers and competitors in the 2015 Yamaha Australian Jetcross Championships were met with harsh and difficult conditions when they turned up to Bells Beach,...
​The 2015 Pro Watercross Hidden Trails National Tour’s first round of racing action commenced this weekend in picturesque Panama City Beach, FL. With over...
OK, ladies and gentlemen. Here is the biggest news to hit the personal watercraft industry since, well...ever. Kawasaki, the company who first introduced the...
The 2016 model year marks three consecutive years where the Yamaha Motor Corporation has dramatically raised the bar. In 2014, Yamaha's Super High Output...